Saturday, July 11, 2009

Citizens attempt to acquire Ouray real estate

Summer folk step to plate in Wright project...Part-timers pitch in

Posted by Erin Eddy - and

Special to the Plaindealer - written by Ouray Plaindealer Staff

Second home owners and year round residents in Ouray County have a special opportunity this summer to join together on a major project now shifting into high gear - the Campaign to Save the Wright Opera House.

This ambitious fundraising effort is well-suited to involve summer and year-round residents alike, working together on a project that impacts the future economic infrastructure and lifestyle of the community, while preserving the history of the area.

The campaign's goal is to purchase and rehabilitate the Wright, create a county-wide arts center to serve the growing activity of the several arts organizations and eventually provide the premier small performance space in the region.

The Friends have completed the initial preparatory steps needed to assure that going forward to purchase the building is feasible, including an appraisal and an historic preservation structural engineering assessment with projections on needed repairs and equipment following the purchase of the building.

Grant applications are currently being written to several foundations which participate in capital purchases, including the Colorado Historic Society. Huesing estimated that in order to indicate solid community commitment to the foundations in question, about $200,000 will need to be raised or pledged locally by Sept. 1, for intended purchase in 2010. Currently over $80,000 has been raised in cash, pledges, and grants, some of which has been used to pay for the preparatory analyses. Phases of potential development, along with historic details, can be viewed at

Summer residents Kelvin and Becky Kent recently made a pledge to the project.

"Ouray's Wright Opera House is more than just a cultural icon and Victorian masterpiece," They said. "It's an important piece of our history, heritage and connection with the past. It needs to be saved for future generations and put to use as a venue for activities, entertainment and a vibrant Main Street storefront. We think it is right to support the ongoing efforts of the hard working Friends of the Wright Opera House to achieve their goal of securing this wonderful building for posterity."

From the business perspective, a pledge from Box Canyon Lodge owners Rich and Karen Avery noted, "We see the arts as the other bookend, with our fantastic recreation assets, to solidify the economy in Ouray County. An upgraded, fully functioning Opera House will provide the missing link in the spectrum of experiences we offer full-time residents, summer residents, and visitors. In our opinion, our investment in the effort of the Friends of the Wright Opera House is an investment in the future of our own business."

Summer resident Ralph Huesing chairs the Friends of the Wright Opera House, sharing his considerable experience with historic commercial buildings.

Another long-time summer resident, Duane Compton, is helping coordinate participation by other second home residents. Several other seasonal residents are participants in the volunteer corps forming to help with managing events and fund-raising activities. Huesing invites other second home owners to become involved in the project.

"Our current focus is to create awareness by all residents of the project and its potential," Huesing said. "We will provide personal tours of the facility for everyone, whether summer or year-round residents, to show the current status of the building and to further develop the vision and dynamics for best use into future years. We want everyone to enjoy the events currently planned. We need volunteers to help with planning the future implementation of the building to serve the broadest range of the population. And, we want those willing to help with the financial challenge to be well-informed about how their support in purchasing the building will affect the economic and cultural health of their community, as well as the major tax benefits associated with that support."

Several events and activities are planned to specifically bring the summer residents into the long term process to "Save the Wright.

Joyce Linn, chair of the Community Development Committee, has often addressed the need to involve summer residents in the community and its progress. She sees the Opera House project as a perfect vehicle for second home owners and year round residents to work together.

"Our summer home population is as big as our year-round population. That presence significantly adds to the vitality and the economy which we all value, but as a community we don't create adequate opportunities to actively encourage summer residents to feel involved and more fully participate, along with the year-round residents, in the overall progress of the community," she said. "We know that our summer residents bring with them great ideas and knowledge from their experiences elsewhere. The conceptualization and implementation of a project like this can benefit from the combined perspectives of the two components of our population. We hope that anyone who wants to be involved in any part of this project will contact us."

Huesing added his part-time residency perspective.

"The Friends of the Wright Opera House was formed to manage this initiative, and we welcome all residents to join us in accomplishing this major challenge. For second home owners, it is especially workable because we can have involvement year-round as we monitor progress and offer advice even when not in residence. And, of course, our financial support can substantially speed up the process, adding to the contributions of the year round population. It might even provide some bragging rights when returning to our winter residences as we share a bit about what we are helping to accomplish for our summer town. Our help and involvement to create a top-notch venue for a full menu of quality entertainment and arts education will be an added benefit to the community. We will share the pride in 'our Opera House'... restored and fully functioning."

Any category of residents wishing to sign up for a tour, attend events, participate in planning activities or the volunteer group, or obtain information regarding a donation or a pledge should call Huesing or Linn, or other board members Nancy Nixon, Dee Williams, or Jim Opdahl.

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