Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ouray Real Estate up for bid

County puts surplus land up for bidding

Written By Patrick Davarn

Posted by: Erin Eddy

County commissioners are in the process of offering for sale, to the highest bidder, several parcels of land in Ouray.
The Board of County Commissioners adopted a resolution Monday that declares Lots 3-5, and Lots 20-22, both within Block 1 near and above the intersection of Highway 550 and County Road 361 as surplus. The property will be offered for sale in accordance with the county policy.
County Administrator Connie Hunt described access to the parcels as Òvery verticalÓ and at present of no practical use to the county. Consideration of selling it began when adjacent property owner Bob Smith approached the BOCC last month and asked about a right-of-way easement or if he could buy the property.
HuntÕs follow-up report to the BOCC included a suggestion of declaring the property as surplus as it has Òno efficient or appropriate useÓ and that it not be sold for less than fair market value. An appraiser will be hired and Hunt said the buyer, if any bid is accepted, will reimburse the county for that cost.
During last monthÕs discussion, Commissioner Keith Meinert suggested that the land be put up for bid. On Monday he repeated his assertion that it is not being done specifically for one interested party.
ÒWe are not catering to one individual,Ó said Meinert. ÒAll we are saying is this property is surplus, it doesnÕt fit any county purposes and we are willing to dispose of it.Ó
Meinert said if the county agrees to accept a bid on the property, any development of the parcels must conform with City of Ouray regulations.
Hunt said at the BOCCÕs April 13 meeting that any proceeds from the sale, should the county accept a bid, will be deposited and held in a separate account. She suggested that any such funds be used in the future for capital projects or to have matching funds required for most grants.
BOCC Chairman Heidi Albritton said she liked the idea of a separate account, not placing any such revenues in the General Fund. ÒI suggest we have a discussion on how to earmark these kinds of funds, especially for use in improving our (county) facilities,Ó she said.
Commissioner Lynn Padgett agreed. ÒDay-to-day operations should not be funded by the sale of our assets.Ó
Smith informed county officials that he owns six lots next to those owned by the county and two lots owned by Tom and Cynthia Vallejos, with whom he is seeking access. In a letter to the BOCC he said their intention is to gain access to their land from a site near the Colorado Department of Transportation facility along CR 361.

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